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F1 Sunsation Lemon
F1 Sunsation Lemon

Sortenname: F1 Sunsation Lemon
Allgemeiner Name: Sonnenblume
Nutzung: Topfsorte
Pflanzenhöhe: 35 cm
Verzweigter Wuchs: ja
Wuchstyp: Topf, Beet
Blüte Ø cm: 12 cm
pollenlos: ja
Korn pro Gramm: +/- 30
Aussaattermin: März - Juli
Aussaattemperatur: 20 - 22° C
Kulturdauer: 45 - 55 Tage
Empfohlene Tagestemperatur: 15 - 18° C
Mindestabnahme: 500 Korn

Sunsation® Lemon
Our Helianthus Sunsation® Lemon was praised for its smooth, glossy leaves, long flowering time and good secondary growth until mid-September. It was sown in early April, under glass and flowered early in June. The average flower size was approximately 20 centimetres. The simple, matte, lemon yellow hue contrasted well with the beautiful, dark leaves. A real winner which we are proud of! But that was not all! Our Sunsation® Lemon also won third place in the ‘Peoples’ Choice’ voting for Container grown sunflowers. ‘People’s Choice ‘ is the result of the votes of the public that visited the Wisley gardens in the past year.


500 Korn 49,00 € Menge
1000 Korn 94,00 € Menge
10.000 Korn 790,00 € Menge
zzgl. 7 % MwSt.
Versandkostenfreie Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands,
in andere Lieferländer zzgl. Versandkosten.